Signs You Were Born to Be a Healer

15 Signs You’re Meant to Be Working in the Healing Arts

Us healers and guides have found ourselves on the path of the healing arts not by choice but because we were chosen. Healing is our vocation. Those of us who have devoted our lives to being yoga teachers, reiki practitioners, sound healers, etc, got here because we sensed deep down that this is who we were put on this planet to be. We heard a calling and we followed it. 

Feeling called toward being a healer can be scary and isolating because of the long history of stigma and persecution that surrounds the healing arts. Many people don’t consider being a spiritual healer a real job. Your friends and family may even look at you crazy when you tell them you’re thinking of becoming a healer and warn you to think realistically, But if your soul is pulling you toward a path in the healing arts, you shouldn’t ignore it. It means you possess special gifts that need to be shared. 

The world needs more healers, space holders, medicine women – people who can nurture and help guide the collective. So are you one of them? Here are 15 signs you’re born to be a healer!

1. You’re an empath

As an empath, you pick up on other people’s emotions, especially pain, which is what makes you such a good healer. You’re able to sense what someone is going through, sometimes even before they can, and take on other people’s feelings as your own. This is also one of the challenging parts of being a healer, but with time you’ll learn how to set boundaries and protect your energy. 

2. You’re sensitive

Have you ever been told you’re too sensitive? Whoever told you that may have meant it as a bad thing, but the jokes on them because that’s actually your superpower. If you get emotional easily, it’s because you think and feel deeply. You’re highly perceptive and tuned into what others can’t see. 

3. You’re creative

Being a healer is akin to being an artist. Your art may even be your healing medicine. So if you have a passion for art, music, dance, or poetry and feel the need to express yourself through these creative outlets, you may be a healer. 

4. Animals and children gravitate toward you

Animals and children carry pure energy and are highly sensitive beings that gravitate to where and with whom they feel protected. They can’t communicate their needs and wants, but are drawn toward you because you are easily attuned to them. 

5. You feel most at home in nature

If you feel the most at home in nature, it’s probably because that’s where you can connect to universal consciousness or source. Spending time in nature is cleansing for healers. It recharges us and nourishes our souls.  

6. You have vivid dreams

Healers tend to have vivid, often prophetic dreams because we tiptoe between dimensions. Your dreams may be trying to communicate with you, so start to pay attention to any symbols or downloads that come up through them. 

7. You’re highly intuitive

Healers have a sixth sense. You’ve probably caught yourself trying to explain to someone that you know something because you just know. We know things instinctively and can sense and interpret information with a deep awareness. 

8. You’re spiritual

You may not necessarily be religious, but you feel and understand that there’s more out there. You believe life has significance and search for the higher meaning of things. You’re curious about esoteric subjects and seek to expand your mind. 

9. There’s a history of healers in your family

If you’re a healer, chances are someone else in your family is a healer too, whether they be a nurse, therapist, or shaman. Healing abilities run in the family. 

10. You frequently have mystical experiences

If you’ve ever wondered why supernatural things are always happening to you, you’re not alone. Be it seeing ghosts or having visions of the future, healers walk the line between the 3D world and higher dimensions, opening us up to mystical experiences.

11. You think big picture

You can sense the nuances in life and consider multiple perspectives. Instead of getting caught up in the trivial, you are able to see the higher goal or truth of situations, giving you enhanced awareness. 

12. You attract fixer uppers

Because we exude healing energy, people are subconsciously drawn to us, looking for help or guidance. You may even find that strangers are comfortable sharing their problems with you and wonder why you’re always surrounded by people with problems that need to be fixed. Well it’s because you have the power to help fix them. Always be mindful, though, of when your energy is being drained or you’re playing out a toxic dynamic.

13. You’re a good listener

Do people often tell you that you’re a good listener? As a healer, your energy is magnetic. People feel seen and heard by you. They feel good in your presence because you know how to hold space. 

14. You struggle with anxiety or depression

Constantly taking on outside energy can be overwhelming, which is why so many healers also struggle from anxiety and panic attacks. We are highly sensitive to energy and that can make us absorbent if we don’t have the proper boundaries in place. For many healers, difficult situations or traumatic events have actually been at the root of our spiritual awakenings. Our heavy experiences have given us the strength and knowledge to help others overcome the same. If you feel disconnected from your purpose or are denying your healing abilities, this may also be causing you to feel anxious or depressed.

15. People always say you’re an old soul

Old souls are people who are highly intelligent, intuitive, and often introspective and introverted. You may feel like you don’t belong to this time because you’ve lived many lives already and have been reborn many times. You carry with you ancient knowledge that you’re being called to share. Material things and fleeting moments don’t interest you. You’re drawn to meaningful experiences and value alone time. 

Don’t know what to do with your healing powers? Join us at our 200 hr YTT + Reiki + Embodiment Course in Mexico this November and we’ll help you learn how to harness your abilities and step into your own as a healer! Learn more here. 


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