Why You Should Set an Intention When Sitting in Ceremony

The Power Behind Intention Setting When Entering or Creating Sacred Space

Sitting in ceremony in whatever context, be it an ayahuasca or Despacho ceremony on our Peruvian Soul Retreat or one of our Moon Sister Circles at Oblong, provides a special opportunity to connect deeper to yourself by getting out of your head and back into your heart. Ceremonies have always been an important part of life and culture, bringing people together in celebration and reflection, and as people increasingly feel disconnected and lost amidst the chaos of modern life, ceremony offers us a sacred space and time to reconnect back to self. In ceremony, we are reminded of what’s important, making it the perfect alchemizing space for you to set foundations for shifts you want to see in your life, which is why intention setting is such a powerful part of the practice. When you’re running on autopilot and mindlessly caught up in the day to day, it can feel like life is happening to you instead of for you. Setting an intention when sitting in ceremony allows you to take back control of your life, become a conscious co-creator, and tap back into your purpose.

The definition of the word intention is interesting and very telling of the role it can play in ceremony. On one hand, intention means “a thing intended; an aim or plan”, and in this way, setting an intention can help guide the direction of your experience in ceremony. In medicine, however, intention means “the healing process of a wound”, and in many ways setting an intention when in ceremony is what catalyzes whatever healing process takes place. Intention is a powerful tool because it helps direct the energy that we put into something and the energy we receive. When you set an intention, you’re determining where your attention goes, and where your attention goes, energy will flow. Think of it like setting New Year’s resolutions. Sitting down to write out your goals for the new year is an act of ceremony in itself and you do so with intention –  the intention to provoke positive change in your life in the months to come. Whatever the setting or reason may be, be it writing down New Year’s resolutions on your own or sitting in ceremony with community, setting an intention will make the experience more meaningful and fulfilling for you.

Setting an intention when in ceremony means planting the seeds for what you want to transpire. It’s not creating expectations for yourself, but rather opening yourself up to the spiritual downloads that you want or need to receive. Your intention can be inspired by what you intend to get out of the experience, such as what you’re manifesting, what you’re shedding, or what you want to unveil. Your intention will help you enter the space with presence and purpose. Intention setting is a great way to bring a sense of mindfulness into how you show up in ceremony – in actions, thoughts, energy, and words. This is especially influential when sitting with mind altering substances. Setting an intention around what you want the journey to bring or hold can be the difference between having a bad trip and having a transformative experience that expands your consciousness.

Intentionality helps us respect and honour the traditions of the practices we’re engaging in. Rituals and ceremonies are inherent to so many Indigenous cultures, holding different religious, spiritual, and cultural significance. Sitting in ceremony has always been people’s way to remember the importance of community, to heal together, and to express gratitude. Setting an intention when participating and performing these ancient practices, invites you to be fully present, show respect and recognition for the practices that have been passed down to us, and acknowledge our connection to our ancestors, each other, land, and Spirit. 

It’s always a good idea to set an intention when sitting in ceremony so you can create or enter the sacred container with a clear understanding of why you’re there. Setting an intention is making a conscious choice to show up fully and authentically. Intention opens the pathway between you and the medicine, whether that medicine be community, psychedelics, or just the act of performing a ritual. Intention brings awareness to the self and prepares you for the alchemy that takes place in ceremony. 


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